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📽️RECORDING: Understanding the Fashion Development and Pre-Production Stages

15 minute lesson and homework for aspiring fashion business owners

Hey there fashion business folks,

It’s time for another nano lesson! Did you miss last month’s and not sure what I’m talking about?


  • no more than 15 minutes long (dare I say 10 minutes?!) video session so you can learn something fast and take action immediately.

  • each month will focus on a different, very specific topic and will leave you with an action item.

  • If you’re a paid member of StartUp FASHION, I invite you to join me in the member’s-only Chat Room after the nano lesson and I will answer any questions you have about how to apply what you just learned to your own business!

SEPTEMBER NANO LESSON: Understanding the Development + Pre-Production Stages
The live version of this event has passed. Feel free to watch the recording and if you’re a paid member of our Substack, drop your questions in the Member Chat and I’ll respond shortly.

Upgrade to get access to all of our classes and to get 1-on-1 help from me.

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